Course and Fee Policy

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  • Course and Fee Policy

Course Selection:

Choose your course based on your individual needs and preferences.

Exam books are not included in the course and must be purchased separately.

Make-up/Compensatory Classes:

Make-up classes are available to support your learning progress.

Coordinate with your teacher in advance to schedule make-up sessions or additional hours.

Monthly Fee:

Fees are payable monthly according to your scheduled plan.

If you miss 4 scheduled classes, a half-month fee will be charged.

Fees must be paid between the 1st and the 10th of each month.

The monthly fee covers 4 sessions per month as agreed upon during the admission process.

Class Schedule:

The 5th week of any month is considered a holiday, and no classes will be held.

Classroom Etiquette:

Cell phones should be set to silent mode during music classes to avoid disruptions.